Jay Millington

Stop the Crime

Crime is up everywhere! Vehicle thefts in the GTHA are an epidemic. Time for a new common sense Conservative government who will get serious with career criminals, violent offenders and repeat offenders.

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The capital gains increase will discourage the construction of new rental homes for Canadians

We need far more new homes in Canada of every kind, including purpose-built rentals, to address the housing crisis. But many experts, including the Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations (CFAA), have stated that Trudeau’s planned Capital Gains tax hike will discourage the construction of new rental housing. Meanwhile, rents are expected to continue to increase

The capital gains increase will discourage the construction of new rental homes for Canadians Read More »

Black text on white background: "Motion for vote in the House of Commons: The House has no confidence in the Prime Minister and the Government.

CPC Motion: The House has no confidence in the Prime Minister and the Government

The number one question all my Conservative colleagues and I heard this summer from Canadians everywhere, “When is the election? We need one now!” We understand the urgency of Canadians, because they can no longer afford groceries, rent, mortgages, and life in general after 9 years of Trudeau. That’s why this morning, the earliest opportunity

CPC Motion: The House has no confidence in the Prime Minister and the Government Read More »

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