The real impact of rising costs on Canadians

I’ve had the opportunity to hear from many of you about the struggles you face. Just like millions of Canadians across the country, the cost of living is stretching your paycheques to their limit and, for many, it means there isn’t enough coming in to cover your bills. Families are grappling with skyrocketing costs at the grocery store, rising interest rates on their mortgages, rents that are more than double what they were a decade ago, and a jump in gas prices every time the carbon tax goes up. These are real, tangible struggles that we face every single day.

Take, for example, a senior I spoke to recently, who, despite having a good pension, just took on a part-time job to make ends meet and buy groceries. With grocery prices continuing to rise because of the carbon tax, seniors on a fixed income are especially hard hit.
This is distressing on its own. But when you contrast it with the wasteful mismanagement, insider deals, and flagrant conflicts of interest that keep coming to light in connection with this Liberal government, it’s outrageous. 

The Auditor-General has reported that during the pandemic, when the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) program was enacted, over 77,000 loans were provided to recipients who did not meet the eligibility requirements, resulting in $3.5 billion mismanaged by the Liberals. These are your tax dollars going to waste!

These failures not only erode trust and confidence in the Federal Government, but it has a direct impact on you. As many of you face increased mortgage renewals, major banks have attributed 2% of interest rate increases to wasteful government spending. 

Whether it’s increased taxes or increased interest rates, Canadians pay the price when these Liberals play fast and loose with your tax dollars. Canadians deserve a government that respects their hard-earned money, prioritizes their needs, and upholds the principles of transparency and accountability.

That’s why it’s time for real accountability. Common Sense Conservatives have been relentless this past year in exposing the corruption and mismanagement in the Trudeau Government. However, with the support of the NDP, the Liberals continue to block our efforts at every turn. The only way the culture of entitlement and mismanagement that has plagued this NDP-Liberal government is going to be addressed is if Canadians empower a Common Sense Conservative government to hold those responsible to account. 

Conservatives understand that every dollar wasted is a dollar that could have been spent improving the lives of Canadians. We will put an end to wasteful programs and redirect those funds toward investments that matter to Canadians, like securing our borders and rebuilding our military, both of which are critical to our economy and security.

Canada is a nation built on hard work, innovation, and integrity. It’s time to return to those values. Canadians expect leadership that puts their needs first, listens to their struggles, and serves every citizen, not just the well-connected few. A Conservative government, will restore the promise of Canada and build a brighter, more prosperous future.

Canadians deserve no less.

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