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This budget fails every generation.

The Trudeau government has a terrible track record with budgets, their housing and affordability programs aren’t effective, and the average Canadian is paying the price.  After nine years of Trudeau budgets, we’re poorer, and the middle class is disappearing. After 9 years of out-of-control spending, adding more to Canada’s debt than all other Prime Ministers

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2023 Year In Review

As I look back at 2023, it remains my honour to serve and advocate forthe people and communities that make up Flambrough-Glanbrook.  We know all too well the pain and uncertainty people are facing as they are being squeezed past what they can bear. Which is why common sense Conservatives continue to fight for what

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Fighting to remove the Carbon Tax from ALL home heating

Once again, winter is coming and Conservatives are calling on the government to remove the Carbon Tax from all forms of home heating for all Canadians. Last year, every motion put forward by the Conservatives – removing the tax from all home heating, removing the HST, and taking the tax off home heating oil –

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Latest Liberal Mini-Budget fails to deliver relief for struggling Canadians

Last month, the Liberals released their Fall Economic Statement, the latest chance for them to reign in spending, balance the budget, and start bringing down inflation and interest rates. Instead, it increased government spending by $20 billion, resulting in prices, rates, taxes, and debt going up. This will keep inflation and interest rates higher than

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Fall 2023 Community Survey

My team and I are always striving to better represent you and one of the best ways we can do that is to hear your feedback. Take a moment to fill out our Fall 2023 Community Survey – the results of which I will personally share in Parliament so this NDP-Liberal government knows exactly what Canadians are struggling with.

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High tax, low growth agenda threatens Canadian standard of living

In my first speech in Parliament (and a few times since), I cited a study by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) which found that Canada will record the lowest level of per-person GDP growth among the 32 advanced economies in the world for the next three decades. Worse than Italy and Greece

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A monument to Raoul Wallenberg

Be:longings – A monument to Raoul Wallenberg

On Friday, in Churchill Park in Hamilton, many gathered at the invitation of the Hamilton Jewish Federation & Margaret’s Legacy, including students from the Hamilton Hebrew Academy, to celebrate the newly installed monument, “Be:longings” in honour and memory of Raoul Wallenberg. I was overwhelmed and struck by the experience.

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Canadians are hitting a cost-of-living wall

The latest Bank of Canada interest rate hike earlier this month – the ninth rate hike since March 2022 – is a sucker punch to mortgage holders and consumers. Variable rate mortgage holders have already seen alarming rises in their monthly mortgage payments. Those soon up for their five year renewal are extremely worried. Inflation.

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Support Flamborough growers when gardening this spring

It’s gardening season! The old rule of thumb is to plant annuals and frost-sensitive plants after the May long weekend, but I know many started a bit early, including Tracy and I. I encourage you to support Flamborough growers and businesses as you purchase your flowers, vegetables, seeds, shrubs, trees and garden supplies. These plants

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Budget adds inflationary fuel to the interest fire

Anyone who has been to the grocery store over the past year knows food inflation is higher than the official rate. The same bill of around $15,000 for about a year’s worth of groceries in 2022 will now cost families upwards of $16,250 in 2023. Same food for the same people, and it’s costing you

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We need jail not bail for violent offenders

There are many root causes to crime, and they all need addressing – for example, I’ve spoken about the opioid and mental health crises many times. But there’s one root cause that is due to failed Liberal policy.  Violent criminals and sex offenders are being released all too easily on bail, and many are reoffending

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The reason we don’t support the Carbon Tax: It doesn’t work

There’s this false narrative the Liberals use all the time that because Conservatives don’t support the Carbon Tax, we don’t care about the environment. It makes for a snappy Liberal retort during Question Period, but not only is it a tired narrative, it’s just plain false. For example, my team and I spent months supporting

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Bail reform needed as repeat offenders drive up violent crime

A small number of dangerous repeat violent offenders are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime in Canada. Recently we’ve have seen horrifying attacks on the TTC. In one gruesome incident, a subway rider was stabbed in the face with an ice pick. Another woman had her face slashed at Spadina Station. Locally, we have

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Federal taxes on home heating making matters worse

In recent weeks we’ve all opened home heating bills — sticker shock would be an understatement! On top of food inflation, mortgage rate hikes and rising rents, it’s another hit for Canadians already struggling with affordability. Those bills could — and should — have been lower. That’s because back in the fall the Conservative caucus motioned in Parliament to

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Three actions in the spirit of Christmas this holiday season

Thank you to sponsors and organizers of the Waterdown and Binbrook Christmas parades held recently. Thousands lined the streets to see the show, and you could see the excitement in the children’s’ eyes. And the weather co-operated! It was a pleasure to be at both parades and hand out some Christmas treats to folks along

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Dan Muys MP

Time to get the 9-8-8 Suicide Hotline done

Almost 600 days ago the House of Commons unanimously passed a motion to designate 9-8-8 as the suicide prevention hotline across Canada. I’m proud to say it was one of my colleagues in the Conservative Caucus who put forward this motion and has been a relentless champion for it. This is not a partisan issue nor is it a process that should take this much time. It’s well past time to get it done.

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pumping gas

Our pragmatic solutions to gas, grocery inflation rejected by government

Cost of living is the number one issue in Canada and it does not live and die with gas, however. On average, the cost of groceries for everyday Canadians has gone up by an average of 9.7%! This is the highest food inflation we’ve seen since 1981 – four decades ago. The Opposition has been speaking about this cost of living crisis every day in the House of Commons.

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Budget missing vision to grow economy, not just size of government

The federal government announced its 2022 Budget earlier this month and it is bad news for taxpayers like you.
As inflation spirals out of control, the budget added more inflationary spending to the already out of control fire. The size of the government is 25% larger than it was pre-pandemic. Has the service improved for you by 25 percent?

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CPC Leadership Meet & Greet

** RSVP REQUIRED***  CPC Leadership Candidates Meet & Greet   (7 candidates confirmed)hosted by GTA West Ridings Sunday, May 1st Doors open: 1:00pm Program begins: 2:00pmProgram concludes: 4:00pm Burlington Convention Centre1120 Burloak Drive, Burlington MUST RSVP THIS WEEK to   This event will reach over-flow capacity (over 1,200 people) before the weekend. Candidates confirmed (in alphabetical order by surname)– Scott Aitchison- Leona Alleslev-

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stand with Ukraine

Canada stands with Ukraine

Canada has long had a close relationship with Ukraine. We are home to 1.4 million people of Ukrainian descent — the largest Ukrainian diaspora in the world outside of Russia. Canada was also the first western country to recognize the independence of Ukraine as the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

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Let’s bring the Grey Cup home!

Today, I was honoured to rise for the first time in the House of Commons to give a speech on the Hamilton Tiger-Cats’ achievements this season! This Sunday, the Ti-Cats will make their second straight Grey Cup appearance, but this time it’s on home-soil at Tim Hortons Field. One more game to go — let’s

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Notice of AGM

Flamborough-Glanbrook Electoral District Association (EDA) with Dan Muys, MP Date: Saturday, December 11th, 2021 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Place: Copetown Community Centre – 1950 Governors Rd, Dundas, ON L9H 5E3 RSVP: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, RSVPs are required. Please RSVP to: or leave a message at 905-912-2019 Light refreshments will be provided.

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Lest We Forget

As a Dutch Canadian, Remembrance Day holds a special place in my heart. In the Second World War, thousands of Canadian soldiers helped liberate Holland — something I will always be thankful for. Remembrance Day is an opportunity for all of us to come together, pause and reflect on the great sacrifices so many in

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Internet access a daily crisis for too many in Flamborough

It’s an honour to write my first column as your member of Parliament-elect for Flamborough-Glanbrook. Having grown up in Copetown and now living near Lynden with my wife Tracy and our two dogs, this has always been home. We’re blessed to live in this area. The fall colours and our farmers, now busy harvesting fields

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