
Canada’s fastest growing export under this Liberal government? Stolen vehicles.

Across this country, people now wake up and look out their window not to check the weather, but to check if their car is still there.  Vehicle thefts in many parts of Canada – particularly here in the GTHA – have become so common CAA now recommends that if you own two vehicles, “park the

Canada’s fastest growing export under this Liberal government? Stolen vehicles. Read More »

Dan Muys MP

Time to get the 9-8-8 Suicide Hotline done

Almost 600 days ago the House of Commons unanimously passed a motion to designate 9-8-8 as the suicide prevention hotline across Canada. I’m proud to say it was one of my colleagues in the Conservative Caucus who put forward this motion and has been a relentless champion for it. This is not a partisan issue nor is it a process that should take this much time. It’s well past time to get it done.

Time to get the 9-8-8 Suicide Hotline done Read More »

pumping gas

Our pragmatic solutions to gas, grocery inflation rejected by government

Cost of living is the number one issue in Canada and it does not live and die with gas, however. On average, the cost of groceries for everyday Canadians has gone up by an average of 9.7%! This is the highest food inflation we’ve seen since 1981 – four decades ago. The Opposition has been speaking about this cost of living crisis every day in the House of Commons.

Our pragmatic solutions to gas, grocery inflation rejected by government Read More »

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